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Borgida, E., & Bargh, J.A. (2015). Attitudes and social cognition: Taking scientific stock. (pp.xxxiii-xlix). In E. Borgida & J. Bargh, J. (Eds). APA Handbook of Personality and Social Psychology: Attitudes and Social Cognition, Volume 1. Washington, DC: APA Books.
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Zweigenhaft, R., & Borgida, E. (2017). Introduction: Behind the scenes. In R. Zweigenhaft, R. & E. Borgida, (Eds.), Collaboration in Psychological Science: Behind the Scenes. New York: Worth Publishers.
Sullivan, J.L., & Borgida, E. (2017). It takes a village: Interdisciplinary research collaboration in political psychology. In Zweigenhaft, R. & Borgida, E. (Eds.), Collaboration in Psychological Science: Behind the Scenes. New York: Worth Publishers.
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